J.Merton Notebook | Go Boldly

In my ongoing quest to figure out how to develop videos, I found that I reached a point where I had no idea what to do next. So, I did an experiment. I would just move forward boldly into the unknown. I would hit record for the audio and start speaking. In addition, I had no idea what the visual would be. I played back the audio and thought I'd just start sketching storyboard-like images as I listened. This seemed to work well. I then imported the images and edited the video.

Although very rough, I was happy to discover this worked. It supports my theory that creating something is a process that requires boldly moving forward, and the answers meet you on the way. This core theme and philosophy of J.Merton Creative Lab are illustrated in the parable of the "Boatmaker and the Sea," which I'll feature in the next video.

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